One of those days…
Have you ever had one of those days? You know the ones I’m talking about; you feel like “blah, yuck, and pooy” all at the same time. You want to crawl in a hole or under a rock, runaway to some beach so you can sip margaritas and tan, oh oh and! Sleep!!!
One of those days where smiling is not an option, and nothing will make you laugh.
One of those days when you just want your husband to love on you (a hug, back rub, ect.); no joking around or tickling or tackling. No questions like “what did you do all day?”
One of those days when you just want your best friend; the one that doesn’t care if you laugh or say anything at all to come over and just sit with you, so you can rant on and on about how you feel. After all they are the only ones that will understand your unorganized nonsense.
One of those days when your kids fight and argue in the car, just because they know you are having one of those days and you will ignore them by drowning out the shouts with the radio.
One of those days when you don’t want to cook, but you do anyways…and it taste like poo to you cuz it’s not what you want. Cuz the only thing you want by now is a glass/bottle of wine and whole chocolate cheese cake with a bubble bath on the side; heck lets throw in a cheesy chick flick for good measure.
One of those days you just want to stay in your PJs cuz your bloated or lazy…ok do we really need a reason to stay in our PJs? I think not, so I will leave this one be.
Yes as a matter of fact we all have those days and yesterday just happened to be mine’ the good news is…I’m not due for another one for at least six months or so.
Don’t you just love being a woman?
You'll be glad to know you are never alone in those feelings.
Yet somehow we manage to have the strength to get through those days because we are women of strength.
So as much as I don't love those days I have to say Ya I am glad I am a woman because God has surrounded us with special women in our lives like you Alabama that keep us strong so we can get through days like these.
God is so good. Giving us friends and Cheesecake
Hang in there Alabama
Luv you lots and missed you last night
I'm pretty sure I have one of these a week!!!
But I DO love being a woman!!
I usually have 'one of those days' every month - good for you to get to wait a whole six months! :)
Hope you're feeling better!
Once every six months? I am jealous! I have two of those days per week! LOL Thanks for stopping by! Melissa
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