Saturday, November 15, 2008

Do as I say & DO AS I DO!!!

Do as I say & DO AS I DO!!!

For the past month or so I have been conducting an experiment in my house. I have been doing it without anybody really noticing, or at least they haven’t said anything…

For the most part I always have my morning coffee with God, we sit and chat; I use the time before the kids get up and the loud chaos begins to read God’s word. I never look for something particular; I will literally hold the Bible in my hands and say “God open up Your word for me today.” That was how I’ve started my day every morning for the past two or so years.
Isn’t great how God knows what you need everyday, I’ve never read the same group of verses twice doing it this way, yet Timothy, Colossians, and Thessalonians seem to be God’s favorite for me. But then again I think God knows I like direction…

Anyways on with my story or experiment which ever it is.
So for the past month or so I have made it my purpose to read the Bible in front of my kids or husband every morning! Yes, this means there is mornings I drag myself out of bed at 5am, so Tony (my wonderful husband) can see me have just some simple time with God. To my surprise it didn’t take long before he was reading scripture and leaving notes on my Bible of what he read that morning. I was so excited! Tony had NEVER gone out of his way to get into his word, and here he was finding the most amazing scripture to share with me.

Now, my kids took a little long, mostly because of their age.
But this morning Avery (my oldest) saw that Tony and I were reading God’s word to each other. Then after she finished her breakfast, she came and sat down with us with her Bible and started sharing God’s word with us. Then Paiden came and just sat with us and listened.

I looked up at Tony and said…here is the time where you are proud of the type of parent God has made you. When your kids see you go to God; that you seek him first, and they fallow your steps.

We as parent’s are always telling our children to do as we say and not as we do…I believe it is imperative that in today’s crazy, perverse, dangerous world that we ALL pull up our big girl/boy pants and start living the type of life we want for our children.

1 comment:

Maureen said...

Alabama you rock!
What a great story to share with us and lesson too.
Bless you