Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Jeans....

ok, look i know this is uberly stupid and at the same time maybe its's not stupid. but i could see how someone would think it pretty vain.

this past weekend i took a drive with my favorite two girlfriends and we went shopping, after a great dinner and some retail therapy we all had some money left over. ok....pause for just a sec and rewind. during our travels we found out that a jeans and shirt store....cough cough..Holster...cough cough was have a GREAT sale on jeans. ok fast forward to where we were.
we had money left over and we were SO EXCITED..jeans for 29.95 at Holster, this was going to be the cool moment where i was going to be able to buy myself a great pair of HOT jeans....and not feel guilty coz they were only going to cost me 29.95 + tax.....
my excitement went to an ego blown right out of the water...actually i was down right angry. don't get me wrong i was still very excited for my favorite ladies that they were both able to find and fit into the hot deal. but yes i was angry that all the working out i've done, all the running, the weight i've lost, the soreness of lifting weights...... added up to nothing....well at least nothing i was going to fit into.
i realize that this is stupid and vain, but come on people i have been just about the same size my whole life....and those jeans wouldn't even fit over my thigh. and i'm really not a "bigger" girl...i'm actually a small girl....with a butt and some legs.
then tonight i was reading an old magazine and i read a quot from Christina Applegate that said....if you don't think the jeans are going to fit....just don't try them on, you are perfect and beautiful without having to try to fit into the mold.
so while i was working out i ever going to fit into a hot pair of jeans i have decided that i'm going to think of it this way....the jeans i wear will be hot coz i'm the one wearing them, and wouldn't it be wonderful if more women felt this way...
Truly ladies we are all sexy, beautiful, hot women.....because God made us all perfect.


Maureen said...

Alabama I disagree
I think you have gotten larger
Than life that is :-)
You have grown in the "genes" God gave you and what beautiful genes they are.
There is only one designer that matters and you radiate beauty wearing Him.
Speaking of designers
A girl had a Sweatshirt on and on the back it said
Holli (Top half)
Ster (bottom half)
I thought OH I wonder what that means I shall ask had to be something Christian Right!
Hahaha then I clued in as I got closer.
I am pretty sure God was up there cracking up at that moment and as for me I just looked up and said Funny Guy.Apparently this was His way of saying Good Morning Maureen and our conversation of the day began.

Shirley said...

Hi Juls,

I understand that you are a small size with a bigger butt and muscular legs. Awesome a woman with curves!
Have you heard of butt-lifting jeans.
They might be the pair denim that your body type needs. It is for women with hardly noticeable butt to women who want to enhance their butts.
The company is called Notice Me Jeans, you want to get noticed in butt-lifting jeans.
Check it out and let me know what you think.

Juls said...

Well Shirley,

Thanks for thinking of me, but I don't not need butt lifting jeans... i think i have a cute full bottom, it just happens to not fit into little legged jeans. LOL but thanks for letting me know about them.

Shirley said...

No problem, Juls.
I love sharing the good news of Notice Me Jeans butt-lifting jeans.
All of my customers falls in love with their butt all over again...full or small butts..LOL
Take Care and thanks for the update.


Juls said...


I just love you had how wonderful really are. You're right I think I have gotten a bit bigger and I pray that I grow much MUCH larger in the years to come. I must say that it is really easy to grow when you are surounded by wonderful women of God... wink wink

noticemejeansincolombia said...

Thank you. I really try.

Vicki said...

Good for you! It can be hard to decide to be comfortable in our own skin when all of society is telling us we need to be a certain size. I think it's important to be healthy, but that looks like different things to different people. Remember, you are fearfully and wonderfully made!

Rhonda said...

Juls - You are amazing! And you look great. You really do.

Stupid jeans! Stupid store! There must be better jeans waiting for you. I'm sure of it. :)