Sunday, May 10, 2009

Thoughts Turned Into Action

As you all know...I'm a momma, not a mother, but a momma. Yes, there is a difference! But I'm not going to get into that right now. I have another purpose to this message. 

Ok, so back to what I was saying. I am a momma! I cook, clean, drive, do first aid with my magical kisses, I hold the bowl for my kids while they are puking and pooing at the same time. I have crayon stains all over my car, cookie bits in my purse, and finger paint stuck in the cracks of my kitchen table. I eat my kids left over cereal for breakfast, coach soccer, watch cartoons, and have camp outs on the living room floor. I am not just a momma to my two children, but I also count the 2 dogs, 1 hairless cat, 1 rabbit, how can I forget the fish, and the countless birds that my children insist that I feed outside all year long. (cuz dinner just wouldn't be dinner if we couldn't play "what kind of bird is that" game). I have not slept through a night since February 25th 2001, and I don't think even the strongest drug made could stop me from getting up to check on my babies. 

Yes, I know I'm kinda up on myself, but I can be the type of momma my kids deserve because by God's grace I have the abilities, resources, and most importantly I'm alive to do it.

Unfortunately there are many mothers out there that often feel burdened by their children. Let me make this very clear! These women love their children and would often die for them, but many have to choose which baby eats and which one starves. Which baby gets the medication to save its life and which one dies or is deformed by illnesses that are preventable. Which child goes to school and which one stays behind to take care of the younger kids and/or work the fields.  Some siblings become the care giver and/or provider simply because another life has died in child birth, lost the battle with AIDS, or died at the griping hands of violence.

Now, I'm not one of those people just jumps on every social justice club band wagon (not that there not needed). I'm one of those people that believes you can't give 110% to a hundred and ten different things. I believe you find the one or two you really speaks to you and give what you can, if that is funds, prayers, time, or just spreading the word.  I know that some people would say what's the point of just doing "what you can" when we should always do more. However, I strongly agree with what a 'wise old man' said. "You always start with what is closest to you. You can't save the world if everything around you (husband, kids, and the rest of your family) is taking the back seat; it just NOT appropriate!
So I have found two really great organizations that I have fallen in love with. One is close to home and is close to my heart. I have seen first hand how this organization changes lives, and I have also been blessed by being apart of it. Yes, you all guessed it Streams Of Hope! But the other one has gripped my heart for reasons that I don't need to explain I will let you read. You'll see for yourself, but I promise you this if you're a momma or a mommy you feel the tug on your heart to.

Another minute, another mother

Every minute, a mother dies from complications during pregnancy or childbirth. In fact, in many countries where CARE works, a girl is more likely to die in pregnancy than to finish secondary school.

Together, we can change this tragic situation. CARE's programs are designed to reduce maternal mortality by improving access to quality health care during pregnancy, safe delivery services and post-partum care for millions of women in the developing world.


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